What is MAPS?

MAPS is a program that is designed to help school personnel identify issues, including alcohol, drugs, mental health, and behavioral concerns which could pose a barrier to a student’s learning and school success. The primary goal of the MAPS team is to help students overcome these barriers in order for them to be successful. The MAPS Team uses a systematic process, along with specially trained school personnel, to intervene and refer these students to appropriate in-school and/or community services. Parent involvement in all phases of MAPS strengthens the parent’s role and responsibility in the decision making process.

Why does Muncy Junior/Senior High School have a MAPS program?

All school districts in Pennsylvania are required to establish and maintain a program to provide appropriate support services for students who experience difficulties in school. Student Assistance programs have been in existence for over 25 years and serve approximately 65,000 students in Pennsylvania school districts each school year.

Who is Involved in MAPS?

At the core of the program is a professionally trained team of school staff and liaisons from community agencies, who process issues based upon Pennsylvania state guidelines. Student participation in the program is voluntary. All information regarding a student’s involvement in the program is confidential.

What is the MAPS process?

Students can be referred to the MAPS Team for a number of reasons including: suspected drug and alcohol use; mental health concerns (depression/suicide, eating disorders, self-mutilation etc.); and behavioral concerns (drop in school performance, absenteeism, suspensions etc.). Parents, school personnel, students, community members and others who know the child can make MAPS referrals. Once a referral is made to MAPS, the team reviews the referral to determine a course of action. Team members gather additional information about the child’s academic performance, school attendance, behavior in classes and other settings in order to determine whether the student is experiencing difficulty. If the team’s concerns are substantial, parents are contacted and asked to share their thoughts and concerns regarding their child. From this point on, the family and team members work closely to determine a plan in order to get the student the help and support they need. This plan may include specific school or community interventions as well as assessments by trained mental health and drug and alcohol counselors. The MAPS Team does not diagnose the student or provide treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Youth at Risk:

Defiance of rules (refusing to do chores, coming home late, avoiding family, stealing)
Drop in school performance (drop in grades, absenteeism, not completing assignments)
Change in friends, appearance, or interests
Change in behavior or mood (angry, sad, unpredictable, secretive, easily frustrated)
Physical symptoms (blood shot eyes, weight loss/gain, change in sleep patterns, headaches, fatigue)


Muncy Assistance Program for Students Team Members

Tim Welliver
Jeanne Rogan
Erik Berthold
Jon Bennett
Bryan Waltz
Matt McCrone
Dustin Gehr
Stacie Nierzwicki


Resource Guide to local services